UX Case Study

Relaunching Coachbase
to the World

Feb 2024 - Coachbase

Project Details


6 Weeks


UX Designer

Project Tags


Sport and Fitness

Web Design

Project Context

In early 2024, I was approached by a founder who founded a saas product that was a game changer for online coaches everywhere about a website refresh. His current site had a high bounce rate, looked outdated and was not optimised for conversion. Coachbase is a tool that online coaches can use to build meal plans for their clients rapidly. The founder wanted to promote 3 main benefits of this on the new site and ultimately foster more sign ups online.

These benefits were:

  1. Speed - user’s don’t need to manually create each meal plan anymore

  2. Scale - More time to scale business and grow clients.

  3. Lifestyle - More time for yourself, having a high powered coaching business.

Project Outcome

I loved the challenge of this project as it allowed me to empathise with a new set of users and work closely with a passionate founder. This project ultimately ended in the design and development of the new Coachbase website. The overall result was positive as the new site has gone live, has already seen a conversion increase of 38% and accurately represents the benefits of having Coachbase in your corner.

Part One

1.1 Defining the Problem

Upon accepting the project, I delved into understanding the intricacies of Coachbase's existing website. Leveraging tools like Google Analytics, I meticulously analysed metrics such as click rates and bounce rates to pinpoint areas of improvement. Additionally, I engaged in conversations with the founder to glean insights from existing users and understand their pain points. This phase provided invaluable insights into the shortcomings of the current design and set the stage for the redesign process.

Defining Goals

  1. Increase site conversions

  2. Refresh the site with a look that builds trust with users

  3. Optimise for higher search engine ranking.

Old Design

New Design

1.2 Getting to the bottom of the issue

Research served as the foundation of my redesign strategy, encompassing a comprehensive exploration of user behavior, preferences, and pain points. The following research methodologies were employed to gather insights and inform decision-making:

Quantitative Analysis:

Google Analytics

  • Traffic sources

  • Page Views

  • Bounce Rates

  • Conversion Rates

Qualitative Research:

  • 8 existing user interviews

  • 8 Usability testing sessions

  • Competitive analysis to benchmark Coachbase against similar products

Contextual Inquiry

  • Observed coaches using the product on video call

  • Discussed with business owner to discuss unmet needs of the website.

Usability call with personal trainer

Analytics before making changes

1.3 Key learns from research

After conducting a considerable amount of research based on the current users and data, I was able to draw multiple conclusions on how the current site was being used and its pitfalls.

60% of users didn't make it past the first feature

Users who did make it to the bottom, arrived there very quickly - not stopping to read or absorb content

The CTA in the navigation bar was preferred by most users.

Users did not use the built in "book a call" calendar

1.4 Understanding the Audience

Before even thinking about ideation, it was important to understand who Coachbase's predominant users are and determining if this aligns with the companies goals and exisiting results. Using Google Analytics, it was reported that most existing users were between the age of 25-40, mostly men, based in Australia who had interests in the health and fitness industry. This is a great foundation but through discussions, it was identified that an increase in traffic from female users would be ideal.

I created a point of reference for the common user with expected behaviours that appeared like this:

Goals and Needs:

  • They want a platform that streamlines the process of creating and sharing meal plans with their clients.

  • They seek a user-friendly interface that allows them to customise meal plans based on her clients' dietary preferences, allergies, and fitness goals.

  • They value efficiency and reliability, as they juggle multiple clients and need a tool that saves them time and enhances their productivity.


  • They struggle with finding a platform that offers a wide variety of meal options and recipes to cater to their diverse client base.

  • They find it challenging to track their clients' progress and adherence to their meal plans, leading to difficulties in adjusting plans accordingly.

Tech Savviness: Moderate. They are comfortable using technology but prefer intuitive interfaces that require minimal training. They operate best in digital environments that they're familiar with and are less willing to learn new software at the expense of time.

1.5 Auditing the current site

Now that I could understand HOW users were using the site, it was time to figure out why. I conducted a UX audit to breakdown the user journey, their respective flows and the overall design of the webpage. I split the auditing process into t key areas: Page content, Imagery, Navigation, Functionality and Visual Design

Page content

Firstly, and arguably the most important aspect of the page content is the hero tagline. Being above the fold and likely the first thing that users read, it needs to encapsulate the benefits, idea and purpose of the product in a few keywords. The current tagline attempts this with clear a clear WHAT and WHO, but falls short of explaining HOW.

The second aspect of the page content is the way the site approaches the features and benefits of the site. Best practice for higher conversion is to outline the benefits of using the product of the features themselves. The current site leans a little bit more on the technical side of the features where there would likely be more success in outlining the positive impacts on the user.


The current imagery attempts to tackle the goal of outlining the lifestyle benefits of using the tool however it creates a disconnect between the user and what the product actually is. A major issue of the site lies in that users could get to the bottom of the page and have no idea what the product itself actually looks like. This hinders conversion as users are typically less likely to make a purchase/subscribe when they're not sure what they are going to get.


The page being quite short in length, makes navigation easy. The sticky navigation bar is dynamic in that the text colour changes based on scroll section, this creates an intuitive experience. The page does feature multiple CTA's near one another which may confuse users into thinking that each one leads somewhere different. The current "Learn More" buttons redirect to the Book a Call section which is likely not what users are expecting considering such a low percentage interact with the booking feature.


The current imagery attempts to tackle the goal of outlining the lifestyle benefits of using the tool however it creates a disconnect between the user and what the product actually is. A major issue of the site lies in that users could get to the bottom of the page and have no idea what the product itself actually looks like. This hinders conversion as users are typically less likely to make a purchase/subscribe when they're not sure what they are going to get.

Visual Design

The current imagery attempts to tackle the goal of outlining the lifestyle benefits of using the tool however it creates a disconnect between the user and what the product actually is. A major issue of the site lies in that users could get to the bottom of the page and have no idea what the product itself actually looks like. This hinders conversion as users are typically less likely to make a purchase/subscribe when they're not sure what they are going to get.

Part Two

2.1 Ideation

Ideation was a collaborative effort involving comprehensive UX audits and wireframe iterations. I meticulously examined every aspect of the existing site, identifying areas for improvement and brainstorming innovative solutions. Wireframes were then crafted to visualise the proposed changes and ensure alignment with user needs. Key considerations included the placement of important information above the fold and the optimisation of CTAs for improved engagement.

2.2 Process

The design process was characterised by flexibility and iteration. As the sole UX designer, copywriter, and developer for the project, I wore multiple hats to bring the redesign to life. Iterative design cycles allowed for continuous refinement based on feedback from internal stakeholders and limited user testing. This collaborative approach ensured that the final design resonated with Coachbase's target audience while aligning with the brand's vision.

User Flows

User Flows

2.3 Early Ideas

Initial ideas involved leaning on the spreadsheet aspect of the product. It was a quick way to demonstrate what users could expect the product to look and feel like when subscribing to the service. Whilst this was visually appealing, it was not really in line with the user groups I was designing for; who are less interested in the technical features and more interested in the benefits the product would bring.

After aligning the visual style with the goals I was trying to achieve, I decided to go for a simpler look that would be visually appealing but offer the right amount of product context.

Initial Spreadsheet theme

Initial Spreadsheet theme

A Setback

One of the main challenges encountered during the redesign process was effectively showcasing both the product's features and the lifestyle benefits it offers. This required striking a delicate balance between functionality and aspirational messaging. To address this challenge, I employed a user-centered design approach, focusing on highlighting features that resonated most with users whilst utilising effective copy to convey the lifestyle.

Heading Change Example


Meal Plans From Scratch in 3-5 Minutes

Meal Plans From Scratch in 3-5 Minutes


More Time For You

More Time For You

Design Elements

Visual and interactive elements played a crucial role in transforming the Coachbase website. I adopted a minimalist design aesthetic, leveraging bold typography and vibrant imagery to create a modern and visually appealing interface. Interactive features were strategically integrated to guide users through the site and encourage exploration. By prioritizing user engagement and visual storytelling, the redesigned site effectively captured the essence of Coachbase's brand and offerings.

Key learns

The Coachbase redesign project provided valuable lessons that have shaped my approach to future design endeavours. Foremost among these lessons is the importance of understanding user needs and building trust between users and products. By prioritising user-centric design principles and incorporating feedback throughout the process, we were able to achieve tangible results and create a website that resonated with Coachbase's audience.

Based in Syd, Australia

Open to Relocation ✈️

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© This site was designed and developed by Ben Martin 2024

Based in Syd, Australia

Open to Relocation ✈️

Reach me at:

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© This site was designed and developed by Ben Martin 2024