Project Type


Date - Client

Project Details


12 Weeks


Sole UX/UI Designer

Project Tags


Social Media


Project Context

During my time at university, I was challenged to enhance the collaborative features within WhatsApp. After considering multiple solutions, Meetup for WhatsApp was born. This project aims to seamlessly integrate event planning functionality through Meetup. Rooted in extensive user research, persona development, and iterative design processes, Meetup seeks to address common pain points such as difficulty organising group plans and finding crucial information within chat threads. By adhering to WhatsApp's design guidelines and maintaining cohesion with its interface, I endeavoured to redefine the user experience, empowering individuals to effortlessly coordinate gatherings while enhancing the platform's utility and appeal.

Project Outcome

Meetup introduces a seamless event planning feature within WhatsApp, enabling users to effortlessly organise gatherings, meetings, and events directly within their chat environment. By integrating collaborative functionality, such as scheduling and centralised event information management, Meetup addresses users' frustrations with existing limitations, streamlining the planning process and enhancing communication efficiency.

Based in Syd, Australia

Open to Relocation ✈️

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© This site was designed and developed by Ben Martin 2024

Based in Syd, Australia

Open to Relocation ✈️

Reach me at:

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© This site was designed and developed by Ben Martin 2024